It has been one week having the "Ladies" (aka chickens) living amongst us. I was slightly worried about the whole ordeal but it has been awesome! The kids have really taken to their responsibilities and treat them like pets. We have named them all! Mike's chicken is named "Chicken Little", mine is "Rock Star", which is very appropriate because she is the teenager chicken and gets a lot of attention from humans and the hens pick on her like crazy. Rock Star loves Mike and hangs out on his shoulder! "Aye Aye Matey!" I think she know he will protect her from the others! She will peck at his whisker stubble which hurts. We just think she is giving him kisses! Mikail's chicken is named "Giselle" and Gabe's is "Red Rider". Their chickens are Rhode Island reds. Ellie's is named "Sandy", and Eli's is named "DOUG"? Yes, Doug...she is a Black Star and pretty much does her own thing...just like our Eli!
All has been great. It is like an Easter egg hunt everyday to the kids. The Ladies lay anywhere between 3-5 eggs a day. I love the green eggs! We did have 1 neighbor call Draper City and Animal control on us. They came out and made sure we were in compliance with the city. We had to vote 1 chicken off the island because we had 7 and we are only allowed 6. We had to also move the coop 1 foot away from a neighbor's property line. WHATEVER CRABBY NEIGHBOR!
It really has been a great time for all of us EXCEPT Leo the dog. I think he is jealous of the kids spending time with the Ladies. He will chase them if he gets the chance!
3 days ago