For those who are close to me, you know from my endless complaining how HARD it is to take Eli to any type of store. He has man-roots in him, especially his dad's. He HATES to go shopping and his actions at stores are a form of punishment towards me. He and Mikail have had terrible coughs this week so I decided to keep him home from preschool today. Tuesdays are my ERRAND day while he is a school, so having him home put a slight damper on my schedule. I decided to attempt Target anyway. Ellie has apparently needed some sort of SPECIAL marker for school...she left me a very threatening note in BIG letters on the kitchen counter today. Besides, isn't Target large enough for him to cough every 5 seconds and possibly NOT infect everyone there? While we were browsing the aisles, we encountered a giant mechanical ladder (of some sort) right in front of us. The male employee was apparently riding around the store checking all the lights in the ceiling. Eli was fascinated by this! He asked with a confused face, "mommy, what is that guy doing up there?" I replied, "he is going around the store screwing the light bulbs in because they have burned out". He would not let me move forward with my shopping until he watched the man for about 15 minutes. It did not help that there was this loud BEEPING sound every time the man moved forward or backward...we had to follow! After the man was almost out of sight (and my refusal to follow him anymore), Eli turned to me with a very "thought-provoking face" and said, "mommy, when I grow big like daddy, I want to be a SCREWER!" Oh My! I laughed until I almost passed out!
Slow Start
1 week ago