Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day 101

We had a great weekend with the kids! We visited "Grammy's" grave and talked about the memories we have about her. I can't believe it has been 3 years since her passing. Eli was only 5 months old and it makes me sad that he will not know her on this earth. He asked a ton of questions about her "body and bones". It made the moment quite lighthearted! I realize how smart these little ones are when they ask questions about death and what happens to their body? How does their spirit live with Heavenly Father and not their body? We spent many moments explaining to him...I'm not sure our answers were the ones he wanted! On the way out of the cemetery Eli was singing his made up version of the "Grave Song", I thought my other kids would die laughing.

We also went to the Cottage for a night with Papa and Fran. The kids love being there. We decided to go to the Provo Cemetery. Mike's grandparents and "Great" everyone are buried there, including Benjamin Bullock who donated the land for the cemetery. I love the old section of the cemetery where the Pioneer's have been buried. They have ancient looking head stones with amazing poetry about their loved ones carved into them.

So many children and babies are laid to rest there. Mike and I always get emotional reading them. One of my favorites is on a stone were a newborn baby had died, it says; "Budded On Earth To Bloom In Heaven". How sweetly said. It makes me think of my friend Michele who lost her baby (Gracie Gledhill) 2 months ago to a heart defect.

My kids were saddened by how many children died at that time. I think it in some small way, taught them to be thankful for the life and time we are living in, and to be thankful for each other.

Of course, we could not end the moment without one of Eli's funnyisms! We had told him several times not to directly step on the graves. It was way too tempting to jump from grave to grave. At one moment I saw him sitting on top of a small head stone! His eyes caught mine and before I could speak at him he said, "Don't worry mom, there is nobody in this one!"
**Just a side note on the first picture, we were all fascinated by the bottle of beer in lieu of flowers...I don't know whose grave this was, but we thought it was funny!

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